Sound-absorbing HAFENCITY windows from Eilenburg
Effective soundproofing solutions for partially open windows
Constantly increasing loud noise and disturbances are a problem in our modern society. Especially in metropolises the life of many people is strongly affected by traffic, industry and neighbourhood noise. At the same time our cities are even more densely cultivated also in already heavily noise-polluted areas. Regular intense noise leads to sleep deprivation, concentration difficulties and may have an impact on health, well-being and quality of life of residents.
Noise protection = Health protection
We have solutions!

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Passive sound insulation
General remarks
At closed buildings, passive sound insulation against outside noise is technically possible. BUT: approx. 80% of all Germans feel seriously annoyed if they need to keep windows closed because of external noise pollution (lack of fresh air, resp. isolation)
Soundproof windows made in Eilenburg are specially designed box-type windows with noise protection glazing which are available in several versions. The principle is based on two window planes that can be opened offset. Depending on the design, the partially tilted casements are set off vertically or, if necessary, also horizontally.
Are there any test certificates available?
For certain window types test certificates are available. The achievable sound insulation values depend on the window’s construction type, its dimensions, functional design and mounting conditions. If your construction dimensions deviate sharply from our those of our tested windows, we recommend an individual test bench measurement to determine the exact soundproofing values.
Type 2-2
4 fields: THE solution for maximum soundproofing
Our construction type with 4 fields allows for a variety of architectural design options. Bright rooms flooded with light, if required increased protection against burglary and usability as second emergency escape route give residents a feeling of comfort and modern well-being.
Furthermore, with 41 up to 48 dB we achieve – depending on equipment specifications – maximum soundproofing comfort plus natural fresh air supply thanks to partially open windows. All that without background noise and costs for additional ventilators.

Type 2-0
2 fields room-high window:
high sound insulation, strong ventilation
Depending on the design and absorber material, the 2-field room-high HAFENCITY window offers 35 up to 39 dB sound reduction index in partially opened condition.
Air flow volume measurements have shown excellent results such as more than 70 m³/h.

Type 1-1
2 fields parpet window:
high sound insulation, strong ventilation
The 2-field HAFENCITY parpet window offers 34 up to 36 dB sound reduction index in partially opened condition.
Air flow volume measurements have shown excellent results such as 70 m³/h.

Type 1.1-0
1 field parpet window: compact and effective
With its “casement-inside-casement” construction, the 1-field HAFENCITY window offers outstanding ease of use and at the same time very good values for sound insulation and air passage.
As a design variant, the outer window level can also be manufactured as a single standard wing.

Further special solutions for sound insulation
In addition to our well-established HAFENCITY windows we have developed further special solutions for noise protection in partially opened and closed conditions to meet the high air and acoustic requirements.
- baffle pane
- ventilation element
- HAFENCITY window with “casement-inside-casement”
- box-type window

Other options for noise protection with partially opened windows

Certified HAFENCITY window, window with baffle pane, box-type window and other special constructions – these are our specialities. We continue to develop our solutions for effective sound insulation at partially open windows continuously. Additionally, we produce and assemble standard windows made of plastic and aluminium.
We are happy to give personal advice
We have comprehensive technical know-how about effective sound insulation solutions with natural ventilation options for windows. We are more than happy to advise you – in all service phases:
Please contact us by phone +49 (0) 3423 6566-0 or send us an Email
We are happy to advise project developers already in the approval phase to ensure that the high requirements for noise protection can be met safely and efficiently.
We advise architects, planners and contractors in order to implement the planned sound insulation effectively in the execution planning.
Current information and press releases
12.2022 Artikel in der Fachzeitschrift BDB Nachrichten
02.2019 Artikel in der Fachzeitschrift GLAS+ RAHMEN
04.12.2018 MDR-Sendung “Einfach genial”: Fenster läßt Luft rein und Lärm draußen
07.09.2018 Interview mit Herrn Schwarzer in der Fachzeitschrift “Fassade” 5/2018, S. 22
07.09.2018 Artikel in der Fachzeitschrift “Glas Fenster Fassade”
30.07.2018 Artikel in der Fachzeitschrift “Lärmbekämpfung”
01.06.2018 Hamburger Abendblatt: Idee aus Hamburg: Gute Geschäfte mit HafenCity-Fenstern
22.02.2018 “Eine funktionierende Koexistenz: Hamburger Hafen und Hamburger Fenster”
21.12.2017 Leipziger Volkszeitung: EU-Förderung für Innovation made in Eilenburg
17.03.2016 Märkische Allgemeine: Komplizierter BER-Schallschutz für Anwohner
20.07.2015 Leipziger Volkszeitung: Eilenburger Fenster lassen frische Luft rein und Lärm draußen

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under the grant agreement no. 783717.